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United Nations General Assembly


United Nations General Assembly

This page is about the United Nations General Assembly, which is where the nations of the world debate on global issues and agree policies like the Sustainable Development Goals. Here you can see how Theirworld is involved with the UN through contributions to official reports, campaigns like #UpForSchool and support for funding for education in emergencies.

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Technology and education


Technology and education

This page looks at technology - how it offers new education opportunities for everyone and how children need to be learning the digital skills needed for the jobs of the future economy.

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Teachers and learning


Teachers and learning

This page tells how the world needs 25.8 million more teachers to achieve universal primary education by 2030. You will find out why we urgently need funding and strategies to get many more qualified teachers into classrooms if we hope to achieve education for all, especially the most marginalised.

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Sustainable Development Goals


Sustainable Development Goals

This page introduces the Sustainable Development Goals, the global commitments to end poverty, protect the planet and promote peace. It looks in detail at several of the goals and how Theirworld's work is underpinned by these goals.

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Safe pregnancy and birth


Safe pregnancy and birth

This page is about the issues around pregnancy and childbirth and what can be done to ensure a safe and healthy start in life for all children

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Safe Schools Declaration


Safe Schools Declaration

This page explains what the Safe Schools Declaration is and how it aims to protect childrens' rights to education during times of conflict.

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Refugees and internally displaced people


Refugees and internally displaced people

This page is about people who have been forced to flee their homes. It looks at the extent of the problem and the issues it causes for education.

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Health and education convergence


Health and education convergence

This page is about the concept of health and education convergence and how it is vital to successfully improve all aspects of people's lives.

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Girls’ education


Girls’ education

This page looks at why girls and young women miss out on school - even though educating girls has huge benefits for health, prosperity and security. This page explains more about the impact of a safe, quality education for girls and examines the barriers that prevent them from getting an education.

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Education in emergencies


Education in emergencies

Find out how millions of children around the world miss out on school because of humanitarian emergencies including conflicts, natural disasters and health crises - and what is being done to change that.

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Education funding


Education funding

Find out why there is a global gap in education funding and how this threatens the goal of all girls and boys getting a quality primary and secondary education. Developing countries do not have enough resources. Aid from international donors fell for many years and is not targeted to where it will have most impact.

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