End the global education crisis

Help us offer every child the best start in life, a safe place to learn and skills for the future

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260million children around the world are not in school

Our work is unlocking big change around the world

Become a Global Youth Ambassador

Join a network of 2,000 young education activists who build their skills as advocates and campaigners with bespoke training modules, workshops, and resources designed to enhance their campaigning and advocacy skills.

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Our impact

In 2024, the second year of our five-year strategy (2023-2027), we remained on track to achieve our ambitious goals, impacting over 34 million learners, educators, and caregivers through our projects, emergency responses, and innovation awards. We strengthened regional hubs, ensuring over 80% of our projects were locally run, and expanded our Global Youth Ambassador programme by training 2,204 more young people, reaching a total of 8,477 trained so far. Our investments included 40 projects and 36 small community grant initiatives, engaging thousands of young people across 141 countries. We mobilised a global network of campaign partners, securing commitments for early childhood education at the G20 Summit in Brazil, and welcomed major businesses such as Google, Microsoft, and Toyota to our Global Business Coalition for Education.

Learn more about our impact
Students study in a bomb shelter in Kharkiv, Ukraine using donated laptops. The laptops were donated as part of the Digital Equity in Ukraine project via local partner Fundacja Q to a school in Kharkiv, Ukraine.

70,000 laptops distributed to help Ukrainian children keep learning

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1.5 million people signed our petition, unlocking a multi-billion dollar fund to support education in low- and middle-income countries

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Our latest research

A turning point? An updated scorecard on donor funding to Pre-primary Education