Education Innovation Awards 2025

Win a grant of £50,000 to scale up your non-profit

Are you working on an innovative education project that serves marginalised learners? If so, Theirworld could help you take your project to the next level. We’re looking for up to 10 non-profits for our Education Innovation Awards 2025. Winners receive support to grow via leadership coaching, masterclass training sessions, one-to-one mentoring and a grant of up to £50,000 each. In 2025, we especially welcome applications from organisations working on:

  • Supporting mental health.
  • Preventing dropout.
  • Providing inclusive support for youth to remain in school.

Organisations supporting LGBTQ+ initiatives are especially encouraged to apply.

Is your organisation a registered non-profit organisation and have you completed a successful pilot with at least 2,000 learners?

Apply now

Why apply?

The award is designed to help you develop your pilot, invest in evaluation and complete other activities to prepare for scale-up. Our programme will:

  • Equip you with the know-how to plan the next stage of your organisation’s growth.
  • Help you step outside the daily whirlwind and take time to reflect and plan – supported by experts and mentors.
  • Develop your team’s knowledge and skills, through a combination of masterclasses, mentoring and coaching.

The scale-ready grant is designed to help you develop your pilot, invest in evaluation and complete other activities to prepare for scale-up.

Apply now

What the winners will receive

Up to 10 winners will benefit from our accelerator-style programme, combining essential elements to help your project grow:

  • Masterclass training sessions.
  • One-to-one and/or group mentoring.
  • A grant of up to £50,000 per organisation.
  • Leadership coaching provided by BTS Spark, a specialist in the needs of education leaders. 


How to apply

To apply for the Education Innovation Awards 2025, your innovation must meet the criteria outlined in this document. While projects can come from any country, we will prioritise applications that have impact in, or intend to scale to, one or more countries where we have existing projects (see map:

We prioritise applications from Community Led Organisations. A Community Led Organisation is:

  • Registered in the country of activity
  • Staffed mainly by people who are citizens of, or living in, the country of activity
  • Governed by a board made up of members who are citizens of, or living in, the country of activity

Does it sound like your project would be a good fit? Complete the eligibility check now, to receive the application link. The eligibility check takes around five minutes to complete.

Start application process

A timeline of the innovation awards 2025 with 4 key dates plotted. The dates are: On 26 February - Applications open, 1 April - Applications close at 16:00pm GMT, 1st - 30th of April - Applications reviewed and winners selected and finally a date in September is to be confirmed - for the winners programme to start.

Frequently Asked Questions

What are Theirworld's Education Innovation Awards

The Education Innovation Awards support pilot-stage grantees to make their innovations scale-ready, by building their skills and capacity through introductory classes, masterclasses, mentoring and scale-ready grants. We are currently recruiting for the fifth cohort of the Awards, following four outstanding cohorts supported between 2021 and 2025.

How does the Education Innovation Awards application process work? / How do I apply?

The process is simple:

  • Complete the eligibility check.
  • If you are eligible, you will receive a link to the online application form.
  • Complete the application form, including your budget. Applications must be submitted by 16:00 GMT on Tuesday, 1 April 2025
  • We expect to notify the selected organisations in or around June 2025.

Shortlisted applicants may be invited for a short online interview.

The application form should take around one hour to complete, and you will be asked to accept our privacy policy and terms and conditions (including a safeguarding policy). You will also be asked to submit a detailed budget. If you are shortlisted, you will need to provide supporting documentation including your latest annual report and audited accounts.

Check your eligibility here. 

Who can apply? / What are the eligibility criteria?

To apply for the Education Innovation Awards 2025, your innovation should meet the criteria outlined in this document.

How does the selection process work?

Once applications have closed, a Theirworld selection panel will evaluate the eligible applications. They will use the eligibility criteria and programme objectives to select the Awards winners, which will be reviewed and approved by Theirworld Trustees.

What will I/my team/organisation learn from the programme?

The masterclasses and bespoke mentoring will set up your innovation for a successful scaleup through capacity and skills building.

The masterclasses are intensive workshops to prepare your team to create and deliver a strong, thoughtful and focused scale-up strategy, providing an in-depth understanding of organisational development, stress-testing solutions, partnerships and other core building blocks for successful scale-up.

The masterclasses will be complemented by one-to-one mentoring for each team, designed according to the team’s needs.

The CEO or leader of each organisation will also receive leadership coachingto help develop their leadership mindset and skills.

What can we spend the £50,000 scale-ready grant on?  

Theirworld aims to award these scale-ready grants to non-profits looking to scale up their promising pilot-stage innovations and reach their full potential.

The grants must go towards getting the winning innovation ready to grow and the costs directly associated with increasing the reach of this project.

The costs will differ between organisations, but during the application process and scale-up strategy you will be asked to define what your organisation would like to spend the scale-ready grant on.

You will submit a budget outline when you apply.

Why should I apply for these Awards?

Overwhelmingly, innovation teams and leadership in our first four cohorts have enjoyed and learned from the programme. One year after the programme began, all teams in Cohort 1 were on track to meet their scaling goals. Some in Cohort 2 have even exceeded their projections.

Organisations we work with highly value our collaborative approach, flexibility and our shared purpose.

We believe these Awards help to fill a global gap in support and financing that is holding back big change in education. We want to unleash your potential and help you grow.

What makes these Awards different from other accelerators and grants?
  • Theirworld’s Education Innovation Awards are specifically targeted at non-profits planning to scale up a pilot innovation. Our masterclass, mentoring and coaching programme is highly customised to this stage and will be adapted to the needs of the Awards winners. There is a global gap in support and opportunities at this stage in the education sector and we aim to be part of solving that problem.
  • We offer a grant of up to £50,000 and will never request any kind of equity in your organisation.
  • You will join a distinguished community of previous Awards winners and other Theirworld partners, accessing peer support and opportunities to share and collaborate.
How will this programme help me to secure future scale-up funding?

We see these Education Innovation Awards winners as a critical investment in your scaling journey and the future impact that the innovation can have.

Through being involved in this programme, Awards winners will benefit from exposure via Theirworld’s public communications and internal networks. Awards winners will also have the opportunity to present their innovations and scale-up plans to an audience of supporters at the end of the programme.

When you graduate from the masterclasses and mentoring, you will have a clear case for fundraising to grow your innovation.

How does the mentoring work?

We offer a combination of 1-1 and group mentoring. Our scale-up experts and a monitoring and evaluation specialist will be your main mentors. They will work with you regularly to review how your plans are progressing and identify further support needs. Where you need specialised support in particular areas, we will explore how any of the members of the Theirworld and Global Business Coalition for Education networks might be able to help us support you. We will guide you to get the most out of the mentoring opportunity and ensure high quality.

Do I have to be physically based in one of the priority countries?

While projects can come from any country, we will prioritise applications that have impact in, or intend to scale to, one or more countries where we have existing projects (see map:

We prioritise applications from Community Led Organisations. A Community Led Organisation is:

  • Registered in the country of activity
  • Staffed mainly by people who are citizens of, or living in, the country of activity
  • Governed by a board made up of members who are citizens of, or living in, the country of activity
How will the masterclasses, coaching and mentoring be delivered?

These programmes will be delivered online. Resources will be made available to participants in advance of the sessions. Recordings of all masterclasses and mentoring sessions will be provided afterwards. Coaching sessions remain confidential.

Who can I contact if I have any further questions?

If you have any questions about the Awards or the application, you can reach out to Theirworld’s Innovation Team at [email protected].

We work with marginalised learners and are concerned about potential negative impacts when attracting publicity to our work. Should we still apply?

All organisations who meet the eligibility criteria are welcome to apply. Our first priority is to ensure the safety of all individuals involved in the programme. If you are selected for an Innovation Award and do not wish to have your award publicised, we will ensure the name and details of your organisation are not used publicly.

Meet the previous winners:

Cohort 1

  • AREAi
  • Children on the Edge
  • Lebanese Alternative Learning
  • Nabu
  • Ubongo

Meet the winners here

Cohort 2

  • Book Dash
  • Seenaryo
  • The Creative Kids Zone

Meet the winners here

Cohort 3

  • Amal Alliance
  • Bedaya Association for Charity
  • Madrasa Early Childhood Programme
  • Maple Leaf Early Years Foundation
  • Škola dokorán – Wide Open School
  • Tanzania Early Childhood Education and Care
  • The Society of Queen Rania Foundation for Education and Development

Meet the winners here

Cohort 4

  • PACEmaker International 
  • Enjuba Spelling Bee
  • ThinkZone
  • Charmaghz Cultural Services 
  • The Reflective Learning Foundation NPC
  • Power Learn Project 
  • EdCamp Ukraine  
  • Stichting Designathon Works
  • Digital Chronicles
  • Digify Foundation

Meet the winners here