Full Application Form: Theirworld Education Innovation
Awards 2025
Welcome! You received the link to this form because you
completed and passed the Eligibility Check form. If you have not completed this
form, please do so at this link. Only organisations and innovations that
have passed the eligibility check will be considered.
About the Awards
Please visit our webpage to find out more about
the Education Innovation Awards.
About this form
- Please type directly into the form.
- You can save your draft and come back later.
- There is no need to upload any documents.
- Where there is a character limit for your answers, the limit
includes spaces. Please check the characters in your answer using
a word processing app (e.g. Microsoft Word or Google Docs), rather than an AI
chatbot, as these can sometimes be inaccurate.
- All financial amounts must be in UK pounds (GBP).
- We recommend preparing your answers first, then pasting them
into the form.
Further information or support needed? Please email
[email protected].
Thank you for your interest, and good luck with your