Innovation Awards Application

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Full Application Form: Theirworld Education Innovation Awards 2025

Welcome! You received the link to this form because you completed and passed the Eligibility Check form. If you have not completed this form, please do so at this link. Only organisations and innovations that have passed the eligibility check will be considered.

About the Awards

Please visit our webpage to find out more about the Education Innovation Awards.

About this form

  • Please type directly into the form.
  • You can save your draft and come back later.
  • There is no need to upload any documents.
  • Where there is a character limit for your answers, the limit includes spaces.  Please check the characters in your answer using a word processing app (e.g. Microsoft Word or Google Docs), rather than an AI chatbot, as these can sometimes be inaccurate. 
  • All financial amounts must be in UK pounds (GBP).
  • We recommend preparing your answers first, then pasting them into the form.

 Further information or support needed? Please email [email protected].

 Thank you for your interest, and good luck with your application!

Section 1 About You

If you are unsure of the exact date, please select 1 January in the correct year

Please enter a whole number. The form will not accept text in this field

Main Contact Details

Section 2: Privacy, Communications, Consent & Licensing Declarations 
Please confirm your agreement to the following statements.

Section 3: Your Organisation’s Aims and Objectives 
Please note: if your organisation and your innovation are one-and-the-same, there may be overlap between this section and the next. You are welcome to use the same answers twice, if necessary.

Section 4: About your innovation

To select multiple choices, click and hold the CTRL (Windows) or Command (Mac) key while making selections.

To select multiple choices, click and hold the CTRL (Windows) or Command (Mac) key while making selections.

Please enter a whole number. The form will not accept text in this field.

Section 5: Innovation Scaling Questions

Please outline up to five main activities that you will spend your grant on. Please review the eligibility criteria document for guidance on what the grant can be spent on. 

Please also give a brief budget breakdown (in GBP) showing what scale-up related activities you would use the award funds for. This should match the key activities you have written in the innovation scaling questions section of this form. You can enter up to six budget item. The sixth can be used for other costs or overheads that are not covered within the five activities you plan to undertake.

Budget Items

Risks: Please outline up to five key risks that you envision in this programme, and a short summary of how you approach these risks.* Max. 1,000 Characters total / 200 per risk.

Section 6: Your Funding Request

Please enter all figures in GBP / UK pounds sterling

·     Please give a brief budget breakdown (in GBP) showing what scale-up related activities you would use the award funds for. This should match the key activities you have written in the innovation scaling questions section of this form. You can enter up to six budget items. The sixth can be used for other costs or overheads that are not covered within the five activities you plan to undertake.

This field will be calculated automatically based on the amounts you enter above.

Please enter a whole number. The form will not accept text in this field.

Section 7: Financial Details
Please provide a summary of your most recent accounts, in GBP:

This field will be calculated automatically based on the amounts you enter above.

Section 8: Payment details

Section 9: Safeguarding
Please confirm your agreement with the following statements: