Dubai Cares CEO Tariq Al Gurg on the Oslo Education Summit

Two weeks ago world leaders, education ministers, international organisations, and civil society convened at the Oslo Education Summit to bolster co-operation on education.

Dubai Cares CEO Tariq Al Gurg, over at the Huffington Post, has written about his optimism after attending the Oslo Education Summit at the beginning of July. At the summit, Mr Al Gurg was at a meeting convened by UNICEF Executive Director Anthony Lake, United Nations Special Envoy for Global Education Gordon Brown and Global Partnership for Education Chair Julia Gillard. International leaders and ministers agreed to develop the Global Humanitarian Platform and Fund for Education in Emergencies.

The momentum is here. The need is dire. The political will to act is building.

Dubai Cares, whose programmes stretch over 39 countries and reach 14 million children, was one of the over forty leading charities who banded together with A World At School to call for a Fund for Education in Emergencies in the lead up to Oslo.