
Teachers say too many children are not ready to start school

A survey for Theirworld shows that large numbers of new students around the world cannot perform simple tasks such as identifying numbers and letters or washing their hands.

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How much do you know about global education? Take our quiz to find out

There are 58 million children out of school. Hundreds of millions of more are not learning. Those messages are at the top of the A World at School homepage.

But what are the detailed facts and figures behind those headline statistics? Every year, UNESCO publishes its latest findings in the Education For All Global Monitoring Report – and the 2015 version was published last week.

As part of our occasional Take The Test series, try our quiz to find out just how much you know about the progress – and lack of it – in getting every girl and boy into school around the world.

Then you can read about our special youth version of the report. And sign the #UpForSchool Petition, which demands that world leaders keep their promise to get every child into school without fear of danger or discrimination.


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