
Teachers say too many children are not ready to start school

A survey for Theirworld shows that large numbers of new students around the world cannot perform simple tasks such as identifying numbers and letters or washing their hands.

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“We are taking actions for our future, to represent the more than half a million children out of school in Liberia”

Gya From Liberia Moses Browne At International Womens Day Event

Barriers to education, Child marriage, Girls' education, Global Youth Ambassadors, International Women's Day, Right to education

To mark International Women's Day last month, Global Youth Ambassador Moses Browne held an event in the capital Monrovia to support female rights and call for quality education for girls.

We are taking actions for our future. We were there to represent the more than half a million children out of school in Liberia. 

Liberia is going nowhere without quality education for its young population.

Every time I interact with the president, the minister of education and other officials of government and our leaders, my message is quality education. 

We must start to hold our leaders accountable for what they say.

See what some of the young women said at our event.

Sarafina Yark

“A promise is a promise – this is the time for action to end violence against women.

“As we celebrate yet another International Women’s Day, we need to act to discourage female genital mutilation. Let’s encourage our young girls to stay in school.

“Men, stop the nastiness against our women, stop rape now. Stop child marriage.”

Kebbeh Tarnue

“Every time I hear rape and sexual violence have occurred, I get scared almost the entire month.  

“I am in fear as if rape would happen to me one day. It’s traumatic and something must be done about it.

Gya From Liberia Moses Browne At International Womens Day Event 2

Theirworld T-shirts send out the message loud and clear

Letha Dumu

“We have to hold the new leaders of Liberia accountable for every single word they speak. From the president to members of cabinet and lawmakers, they must keep their word!  

“We will remain very vocal in championing women and girl’s issues.”

Julie Williams

“A United Nations report of 2016 titled Addressing Impunity for Rape in Liberia found that in all of Liberia’s 15 counties the number of reported cases of rape is extremely high and that perpetrators are rarely held accountable. 

“We have to be serious for once. Liberia is declining in gender equality and women’s protection.”

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