
Teachers say too many children are not ready to start school

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Watch Theirworld’s new video on the power of education – voiced by actor David Tennant

Unga Video 2021
A scene from Theirworld's new video, which shows the importance of investing in education

Celebrities, Theirworld

The video sends out a strong message to world leaders at the UN General Assembly that they must invest in the future of millions of at-risk children.

Children have the power to transform the world – but first they need an education. That’s the message of a powerful new video launched today by Theirworld to raise awareness of the global education crisis.  

Voiced by the actor David Tennant, the film highlights the role of education in addressing some of the greatest challenges we face, from climate change to civil unrest. 

It is designed to send a strong message to world leaders – meeting in person at the United Nations General Assembly – about the importance of investing in education during the post-pandemic rebuilding operation. 

Watch it here

Tennant – best known for playing Dr Who and his roles in TV’s Broadchurch and Des – said: “I hope that Theirworld’s video will send an important message to world leaders about the transformative power of education to unlock potential in children. Now more than ever we need to ensure that every child can learn and thrive, and to raise a generation who can protect our planet better too.”

The film was made for Theirworld by the New York-based BBDO agency, which is part of Omnicom Group. 

As global leaders meet in New York, we are calling for bold commitments to ensure that every child is on track to be in school by 2030 – fulfilling the UN’s Sustainable Development Goal 4 of providing a quality and inclusive education for all.  

If you believe every child deserves a quality education - then be part of our campaign. Let's unlock big change together.

The pandemic has had a devastating impact on children. At the height of the crisis, more than 1.6 billion children, including 767 million girls, were forced out of school. It is estimated that without proper investment in education more than 20 million children are at risk of never returning to the classroom. 

In particular, Theirworld is calling on world leaders to commit to innovative new ways to unlock billions of dollars for education, as set out in our Education Finance Playbook

In addition to fully funding the appropriate UN agencies and specialised global funds such as the Global Partnership for Education and Education Cannot Wait, Theirworld is urging world leaders to back the International Finance Facility for Education (IFFEd), a fund designed to maximise funding from donors to help poorer countries invest in education. 

Theirworld President Justin van Fleet said: “Investing in children’s education is a win for everyone – that’s the message we want to send to world leaders as they gather in New York this week. 

“With a quality education, a child has the power to enact important change: they might go on to discover a breakthrough in the fight against climate change, become the next pioneer in poverty reduction or commit to standing up to society injustices.  

David Tennant

Actor David Tennant, who provides the voiceover for our new video

“Every child deserves the opportunity to unlock their potential. It’s time for world leaders to act now to ensure that no one is left behind.” 

Sarah Brown, Chair of Theirworld, said: “Without proper investment, more than half of the world’s children won’t have the most basic skills they need to prosper in the workplace. 

“It’s just not good enough, especially when we know that when a child is in school, they are safer, less at risk of child labour, trafficking, abuse or early marriage, or of simply facing a life without hope.”

Omnicom partners with Theirworld as part of the UN Common Ground Initiative launched in 2016. Under this initiative, the global communications industry pledged to support the Sustainable Development Goals. 

Omnicom selected Theirworld, having chosen to support SDG4 – to “ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all”. 

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