Roseline Adebimpe Adewuyi – Global Youth Ambassador April 2022

Global Youth Ambassadors
Theirworld's work would not be possible without our network of nearly 1000 Global Youth Ambassadors from around the world. Each month, we highlight the work of one or two of them and the amazing work they do to get every child into school.
GYA Roseline Adebimpe Adewuyi is a social educator, gender advocate and feminist. Currently specialising in gender and sexuality for her studies, Roseline has dedicated her work to the development of young girls and advocacy focused on breaking down stereotypes. For this week’s GYAs in Action feature, we spoke to Roseline to learn more about her mission.
What inspired you to begin advocating for young girls?
Growing up, I often found myself struggling with my identity. Witnessing the marginalisation of women and girls and seeing the different treatment between men and women from a young age really disheartened me. The topic of gender discrimination and injustice towards women had come up through conversations with friends, and in my various experiences throughout school, but it was not until university level that I began to directly challenge these practices and beliefs.
Breaking down stereotypes that are ingrained in culture, and unlearning indoctrinations is at the core of my work. I want to ensure young girls are empowered in society and show them that they do not have to accept the limits placed on them. I want them to navigate issues of leadership, career progression and self-esteem with the fullest confidence in their abilities and strength.
What does unlearning gender stereotypes look like to you?
Unlearning gender stereotypes looks like tackling the issue from early on. I have seen how the education system and institutions have upheld many of these beliefs, often downplaying the skills or opportunities given to young girls in the classroom – being passed over for their male counterparts. I want to see a complete overhaul of the system, to promote gender inclusion instead of harmful cultural norms. As a social educator myself, I am aware of the change we can bring.
I have been responsible for organising leadership seminars aimed at girls in secondary schools, where I demonstrate the importance of unlearning cultural stereotypes and try to encourage change in educational institutions.
Since we have begun this project, more than 4,000 young girls have benefitted from our efforts. My overall hope is to build a generation of young girls emboldened for leadership roles in the future.
What is your advice to other GYAs hoping to begin their own advocacy journeys?
Decide what you want to do! Is there an issue that you are passionate about or want to know more? Pick something and research.
It can be overwhelming to start, but reach out to people you look up to, to show you the way. Contact people in your communities, or other GYAs, or friends who inspire you and learn from them. Once you begin, the possibility to scale up your work will shine through, but you have to take that first step.
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