Scaling up to Reach One Million Refugee Children: A Report Launch

Half a decade into the Syrian tragedy, the world is witnessing its greatest refugee crisis since the second world war. Today, Theirworld, with A World at School and the Global Business Coalition for Education,
are launching a family of reports on the current state of the educational crisis for Syrian refugee children in Jordan, Turkey and Lebanon. The reports warn that a current lack of donor funding is leaving one million children out of school at risk of
child labour, early marriage, exploitation and extremism. Donors have already pledged $150 million but a further $250 million is required immediately to tackle the immediate crisis of getting tens of thousands of children into school at the start of this
new school year and commit long-term funding to get one million children into school in these three countries.

Here in Lebanon we see every day the human impact the crisis in Syria has had – especially on children. The Lebanese Government has thrown open our school doors to help give these children the education they deserve.

“But we cannot act alone and we should not be expected to. Many countries are already helping but we need more countries to make real commitments to funding education for the refugee children. As we get closer to the start of the school year this need
is becoming urgent. We have made the places available, the international community needs to fund them all.

-Elias Bou Saab, Minister for Education and Higher Education, Lebanon

Please find below our reports and executive summary: