Students, teachers and parents united in praise of Ukraine learning project

Dmytro, 10, lives in Sheffield and is a participant in the Stay with Ukraine project delivered by Smart Osvita with the support of Theirworld (Theirworld/Phil Wilkinson)

A Theirworld-supported project to help Ukrainian refugee children keep in touch with their roots has proved to be a great success.

Students, parents and teachers said they were delighted to be part of Stay With Ukraine, which was delivered in 33 countries in partnership with the Ukrainian organisation Smart Osvita, reaching more than 700 children and adolescents.

The students were already attending schools in other countries, including the United Kingdom. But the online lessons at home allowed young people aged from 10 to 17 who had fled the war to also continue their Ukrainian studies and talk to teachers and peers in their homeland.

A Ukrainian teacher who took part in Stay With Ukraine said: “These are motivated students who do not work for the sake of grades but to gain knowledge and broaden horizons.”

Halyna Tytysh, Head of Smart Osvita, said: “We planned this project to support students who are currently displaced abroad. It’s difficult for them because of the new language and they are apart from home and friends.


Of teachers said students liked being able to express their opinions during the classes.

“Small groups and personal contact with Ukrainian teachers and peers is a safe and friendly environment that keeps the child in touch with Ukraine and provides support.

“When we started this project, we did not expect these children to become a huge support for us too. We saw how they joined extracurricular classes, did their homework and passed all the tests, even though they didn’t have to do it.”

Smart Osvita surveyed students, parents and teachers who took part in the project, studying Ukrainian language, literature and history.

Nearly 90% of students said their teachers clearly explained the topics and only 1% said they didn’t like the lessons.

Next year we will continue the project with the support of our incredible partners.

Halyna Tytysh, Head of Smart Osvita

“I really liked the course,” said one student. “Friendly teachers and classmates – I did not notice how quickly time flew by. In the future, I would like to continue studying at the course and gain more knowledge.”

A parent of a student who took part said: “This course was taught by talented teachers. I was present at the first lesson on the history of Ukraine and I really liked how the teacher communicated with the children, very professionally, friendly and respectfully.”

Stay With Ukraine is one of the ways in which Theirworld and the Global Business Coalition for Education (GBC-Education) are supporting the education of Ukrainian children.

HP’s Digital Equity for Ukraine initiative, a $30 million partnership with GBC-Education, delivered more than 70,000 laptops to internally displaced Ukrainians and Ukrainian refugees in neighbouring countries.