MyBestStart Phase 2
Early childhood education is crucial for the development of all children – but especially for child refugees, as many of them have suffered significant trauma. In Lebanon the effects of an economic crisis and Covid-19 left 400,000 children without access to school or pre-primary education.
MyBestStart – a partnership with Ana Aqra, Lebanese Alternative Learning and SKILD (Smart Kids with Individual Learning Differences) – combines interactive video lessons, online instruction and physical learning materials, which can be used in the classroom and at home. The children access online and offline material – including stories and songs – on the Tabshoura learning platform and other platforms such as WhatsApp. Parents – some of whom have very basic literacy skills – use tutorial videos to understand how to encourage their children to learn at home, as well as at their early childhood education centres.
Phase 2 aims to increase access to quality education for thousands more refugee and vulnerable Lebanese children. It will also help parents and teachers to better understand how to use digital platforms and online educational tools efficiently.
SKILD, which Theirworld has worked with on other projects, is also helping to expand the lessons to be more relevant to children with learning difficulties.

MyBestStart programme gives young girls the education they deserve