Fast Track, with AREAi

Helping out-of-school children in Nigeria to develop basic reading, writing and maths skills 


According to the World Bank, only 20% of young Nigerian adults who have completed primary education can read, write or solve a simple digital addition problem 


Aid for Rural Education Access (AREAi) developed Fast Track, an accelerated skills development programme for out-of-school children in Nigeria, particularly young refugees in rural communities and internally displaced camps 


With our help, AREAi want to reach 10,000 children between 2023 and 2024

A chance to learn

Children from Nigeria’s poorest households are up to four times more likely to be out of school than those of the richest households. Without urgent action, many children will grow up without the most basic skills to continue with their education, get a job and break the cycle of poverty. 

AREAi’s Fast Track programme helps children develop basic reading, writing and numeracy skills in English and Hausa – with teaching focused on ability rather than age. It includes the use of a digital “talking pen” which, when it touches text or pictures in a specially printed book, translates and reads words and phrases out loud in the local language.