Mireille Nininahazwe from Ubongo leads the community session. Photography from Education Innovation Awards winner Ubongo's community event for 3-6 year olds at Kyaka II refugee settlement, held at the centre of their local partner, Youth Initiative for Development in Africa (YIDA). This community event was held as part of the scaling up plan funded by the Education Innovation award grant.

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Emerat, 5, is in KG3 (Kindergarten 3). Syrian children pose for a photo at an informal tented settlement

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GYAs Blessing Adogame, 23, USA; Gabriel Monteiro, 25, Brazil; Yuv Sungkur, 23, Mauritius; Jennifer Borrero, 27, USA and Mathilde Boulogne, 19, France. Theirworld Global Youth Ambassadors in central Manhattan where digital billboards for the #LetMeLearn campaign are being displayed during the Transforming Education Summit at UNGA 2022.

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