7.5m children helped in 10 years by Gucci and UNICEF
Education funding, Girls' education
“The things that make me happiest are going to school, learning how to read. I dream of becoming a lawyer.”
The words of Elcadio, aged 12, who lives in Mozambique. One of 7.5 million children in sub-Saharan Africa and Asia who have been given access to quality education thanks to a partnership that began 10 years ago.
Gucci, the Italian fashion house, teamed up with the United Nations children’s rights agency UNICEF a decade ago to help bring about meaningful and lasting change.
To celebrate those 10 years of working together, Gucci has release a film called Growing Tall about the transformative effect of education – especially for girls and women.
It tells the personal stories of children, teachers and parents in the rual community of Changara in Mozambique as they reflect on the education progress made. The number of children enrolled in primary schools in Mozambique increased from nearly four million in 2005 to 5.5 million in 2013.
Gucci’s contribution to UNICEF’s work has focused on Schools for Africa, an initiative that expands access to quality education to girls, orphaned children and those living in extreme poverty.
Since 2005, Gucci’s support for education initiatives has helped UNICEF and its partners to:
- Train more than 8700 teachers and educators so that children receive a quality education and gain the skills and knowledge they need for their future
- Construct nearly 300 school classrooms, offering a safe and protective environment in which children can learn and play
- Supply 14,600 school desks, so children have a proper place to concentrate and learn
- Construct more than 1800 water and sanitation facilities in schools, ensuring clean water for drinking and hygiene
- Work alongside governments to influence changes in education policy and advocate for improvements in the school curriculum
Gucci President and CEO Marco Bizzarri said: “Gucci is proud to celebrate a decade of partnership with UNICEF with $20 million donated, benefiting more than 7.5 million children to date.
“We look forward to continuing our commitment to UNICEF through the Chime For Change global girls’ and women’s empowerment campaign that Gucci founded in 2013.”
UNICEF Executive Director Anthony Lake said: “Every child should have a fair chance in life. That begins with a fair chance to learn.
“Through our long and successful partnership, Gucci has helped provide that chance to so many children who might otherwise be excluded – and in doing so, provided them with the tools to build a better world for themselves and their communities.”
Watch the full film here:
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