8月31日は #宿題の日 !



World At Schoolが#UpForSchoolキャンペーンの一環で、日本記念日協会によって認定された記念日です。



Japan is #UpForSchool on Homework Day


August 31 is the last day of the summer school holidays in Japan – and a final chance for children to finish the homework they are given to do during their break.

This day is an opportunity for them to appreciate the joy of learning and to finish their homework alongside supporting the #UpForSchool campaign.

The #UpForSchool Petition, which has already been signed by more than eight million people, calls on world leaders to keep their promise to get every girl and boy into school and learning.

So let’s mark “Homework Day” on August 31 by backing the campaign and helping to provide education for all.

You can sign the #UpForSchool Petition here.

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