#ChangeTheCulture: our Global Youth Ambassadors on ending violence against girls and women

Violence Against Women Gya Main 1
Violence against women and girls happens all around the world (Jeffrey Eison)

Barriers to education, Girls' education, Global Youth Ambassadors, Right to education

This year Theirworld has been focusing on the theme of #ChangeTheCulture of violence against women and girls. In many countries girls and women continue to fight to receive an education in a safe space. 

Many women and girls face the threat of violence just trying to make their way to school. This risk continues within the school environment, with the danger of abuse in a space that should be safe and enable young girls to learn and thrive.

To mark International Women’s Day today we asked our Global Youth Ambassadors, who are on the ground where these issues affect women and girls most, why they think it is so important to #ChangeTheCulture of violence against women and girls.

Nitisha Pandey

Nitisha Pandey from India

"It is important for the world to #ChangeTheCulture of violence against women and girls as they are also human beings and have a right to everything as boys and men do as I am an equal citizen of the world. I am more than a she. I want to be frank, fragile and free.The world should let me be me."

Shakiib Mustafe Ahmed

Shakiib Mustafe Ahmed from Somalia

"Empowering women can make the world better than today."

Gift Mbewe Gya From Zambia

Gift Mbewe from Zambia

"Build her, don't break her. Violence is a virus that is destroying her physically, emotionally and psychologically. End violence against women today."

Javnyuy Joybert

Javnyuy Joybert from Cameroon

"Women, especially rural women, are the backbone of local economies, changing the culture of violence against them and building their capacity to thrive. This is of great value to the entire nation, continent and the world."

Mary Mam Degen Fye Gya From Gambia

Mary Mam Degen Fye from Gambia

“We should change the culture of violence against women and girls because women and girls cannot fully participate in society and development if they are not safe. Ensuring the safety of women and girls both publicly and privately is important for women and girls to realise and harness their full potential.”

Asm Pavel Sarwar

ASM Pavel Sarwar from Malaysia

“Violence against girls and women around the world is not only a personal struggle for the victims but also has severe consequences on social and economic outcomes. So we have to resist violence against girls and women now.”

Angela Ehi Ekwu Gya From Nigeria

Angela Ehi Ekwu from Nigeria

"Girls and women take more calculated risks, hence safeguarding future generations. #ChangeTheCulture of violence against girls and women around the world."

Mudassir Hassan Khan Gya From Pakistan

Mudassir Hassan Khan from Pakistan

“We should provide equal rights and equal access to education to women, so that they can go to participate in business and economic activity and can educate the nation. An educated mother will educate the family and the nation.”

Eyabi Majorie Tabi Gya From Cameroon

Eyabi Majorie Tabi from Cameroon

“Being a woman doesn't make you voiceless. A woman's voice is her strongest weapon to end violence. Rise! Empower yourselves and let the world know how strong you are. Don't let anyone tell you you're weak because you're a woman.”

Ebenezer Okoidigun

Ebenezer Okoidigun from Nigeria

"Violence against women is a human rights violation and a world in which it is unacceptable is a better world for all. When we end violence against women we are all safe and only then can families, communities and nations truly thrive." 

Scolastica Mwanyika Gya From Tanzania

Scolastica Mwanyika from Tanzania

“By changing the culture of violence we can help young girls to have access to education and they can help the society to change and grow.”

Umair Asif from Pakistan

"For a better future, to ensure gender equality/equity and women empowerment now, we need to #ChangeTheCulture of violence against girls and women around the world."

Dea Salsabila Amira Gya From Indonesia

Dea Salsabila Amira from Indonesia

"Physical abuse happens in real life, even if it is only verbally abuse. Please seek help and free yourself from it! Every women and girl deserves to feel loved and to be treated nicely. Leave no one behind, we are together to end violence against women and girls."

Gya Petrider Paul From Tanzania

Petrider Paul from Tanzania

"Women and girls have the potential to hold top positions in our society when we #ChangeTheCulture that perpetrates violence."

Razoana Moslam Gya From Australia

Razoana Moslam from Australia

“Every girl child must be given the same freedom given to the boy child, for which we must ensure that the boys are given proper education from home and institutions to respect women. Gender-based violence must be stopped to create a sustainable future.“

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