End the enslavement of millions of children in India
Child labour
Around one in four of the world’s out-of-school children are kept from the classroom because instead they spend their days in fields, factories, mines or working as domestic servants.
Child labour represents one of the biggest barriers that we have to overcome on the journey to universal education. In India, where seven per cent of primary-age children are not in school, child labour is a particularly widespread problem.
The Indian Parliament has the chance to pass legislation which would outlaw the practice, helping universal primary education, which is already enshrined in Indian law, to be fulfilled. They’ve already missed one chance to do so in May this year – and so our friends at Walk Free are asking you to raise your voice so that they don’t miss another.
The Parliament’s current session ends in a matter of days – and the petition will be presented tomorrow to make clear to Indian policy-makers that this Bill should be top of their list before they depart.
Over a million people have already signed. Add your voice – sign Walk Free’s petition now to demand that the Child and Adolescent Labour Bill is passed once and for all.
You can also find out more about what’s happening in India on our country page.
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