“We started a small mobile school under a bridge to help child labourers and underprivileged children into education”

Gya Volunteer Week India 2
The GYA and her team are working to eliminate the widespread inequalities in society (Diksha Dinde)

Barriers to education, Child labour, Discrimination of marginalised children, Global Youth Ambassadors, Right to education, Teachers and learning

On the occasion of Volunteers’ Week I’m sharing about my campaign for education of the children in my community. 

I believe that the future of India lies in the hands of the youth. With this thought in mind, I took the initiative, with help from my team, to try to eliminate the widespread inequalities in society. 

Last year, we started this small mobile school under the local bridge in Pune to develop a passion for learning, which will never cease to grow. 

Green Signal School project is an initiative which aims to bring child labourers and underprivileged children into the mainstream of education or schooling. 

Gya Vounteer Week India 1

Diksha wants every child in India to do something meaningful with their lives (Diksha Dinde)

Through this, we are engaged in taking activity-based learning programmes and providing children with daily meals so as to ensure they are receiving nutrition along with education.

It really wouldn’t be possible without the help of Global Youth Ambassador Pooja, Mrinmayee, Amol, Seva and Priyanka. 

All the children in school sell balloons on the street or beg on signals. These kids do not know what to do with the money they earn after selling balloons or begging at signals. 

Our aim is to give them an education that will channel their energy and enable them to do something meaningful in life.

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