Take action in the EducationCountdown to provide education and safe schools in emergencies
Safe schools
The #EducationCountdown campaign kicks off on August 18 – and one of our major themes in the first 100 days is Providing Education and Safe Schools in Emergencies.
With World Humanitarian Day also on August 19 and 28 million out-of-school children living in conflict areas, this is the right time to make your voice heard.
We have 500 days to make good on a promise by world leaders in 2000 that every child would be in school and learning by 2015. Great progress has been made but 58 million children around the world are still being denied this basic right.
We need you to help us achieve our campaign targets on Providing Education and Safe Schools in Emergencies! Can we count on you?
Here’s what you can do:
Send a letter to world leaders requesting support for the draft Lucens Guidelines for Protecting Schools and Universities from Miilitary Use During Armed Conflict to protect schools and education from attack. We want to secure commitments from 50 countries by supporting, and then implementing, the guidelines. You can take action here.
On #WHD2014 (World Humanitarian Day, August 19) , join @aworldatschool and call for more #HumanitarianHeroes to ensure #SafeSchools.http://bit.ly/Xb4Ldt #EducationCountdown Click to tweet.
Nominate a young leader for the 2014 Youth Courage Awards to be announced at the Special United Nations Youth Assembly in September. Nominate here.
Click here to learn more about #EducationCountdown and to sign up to the campaign.
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