Third Theirworld Education Innovation Awards to focus on early childhood projects

Early learning is vital for children. Here four-year-old Zahraa at an early years centre in Lebanon run by Ana Aqra as part of Theirworld's MyBestStart 2 programme (Theirworld/Diego Ibarra Sánchez)

The first few years of a child’s life are vital. It’s when 90% of their brain development happens – but it’s also when inequality sets in through lack of quality care and early learning.

That’s why Theirworld is running the Act For Early Years campaign throughout 2023. And why the third edition of our Education Innovation Awards is open to organisations with bold, creative programmes that specifically target marginalised children in their early years.

We’re accepting applications now from non-profits, NGOs and charities. We will help up to seven winners scale up and deliver learning and skills to even more young children through masterclasses, one-to-one mentoring and £50,000 grants.

Learn more and find how to apply

Theirworld launched the Education Innovation Awards in 2021. They were so successful that the winning programmes directly reached 37,000 marginalised children and indirectly impacted more than two million people.

One of those winners – Lebanese Alternative Learning (LAL) – is encouraging other organisations to enter the latest awards.

“I highly recommend the programme for any other organisation looking to scale up its activities,” said Patrick Habib, LAL’s Head of Products and Services. “The Theirworld team has been an amazing support for us, helping us with any challenges or problems.”

LAL specialises in educational technologies, developing interactive digital support programmes that are mostly aligned with Lebanon’s school curriculum.

Patrick added: “If you need support in areas where you do not have current capacities, I recommend Theirworld’s programme. It helped us internally and helped us provide a bigger impact for our beneficiaries. The mentors were amazing.”

The second Theirworld Education Innovation Awards were launched in January this year and the winners will be announced soon.

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Children aged five have never had any form of pre-primary education

For each edition of the awards, an expert panel chooses the winners – looking for original and exciting programmes which Theirworld can support to scale up.

Applicants’ projects should combine education and one or more of these areas – healthcare, nutrition, sanitation, social protection, play and nurturing care.

Applications are open until July 31 and the winners will be announced in September, with the programmes beginning later this year.


Join our Act For Early Years campaign