Watch Rabia’s inspirational message on the empowerment of women

Rabia Faridi is one of A World at School's 500 new Global Youth Ambassadors.

The student from the University of Agriculture in Pakistan comes from a rural background and is passionate about the right of girls and women to get a good education.

Rabia delivered a stirring speech recently to the 1000 Girls For Education rally in Islamabad. She has recorded a segment of that speech so that we can share it with a wider audience – you can watch it in the video player above.

At the rally, young women made their voices heard in the presence of United Nations Special Envoy for Global Education Brown, the Governor of Punjab Muhammad Sarwar, the Federal Minister of Education Muhammad Baligh ur Rehman, Global Partnership for Education CEO Alice Albright and the UN Country team. 

Rabia was joined at the rally by other Global Youth Ambassadors from Pakistan. She has joined the GYA programme so that others can hear her words.

You can learn more about the education challenges in Pakistan in our Explore channel.