Skills for the future

Young people are the next generation of changemakers, campaigners, entrepreneurs and workers. We work to help them develop the skills they’ll need to fulfil their potential, take part meaningfully in society and grow the global economy.

$11.5trillion could be added to global GDP by 2028 if the skills gap was addressed

By 2030, more than one out of every two children will lack the most basic skills they need. They will be out of school, or have such a poor quality education that they are unable to read or do basic mathematics – let alone meet the demands of the coming Fourth Industrial Revolution, which will be driven by emerging technological advances.

The growing proportion of youth lacking basic work skills correlates to unprecedented levels of young people who are out of work or underemployed. But this skills shortage doesn’t just affect young people.

It means employers have a harder time recruiting the right talent, which places them at a disadvantage in competitive business landscapes. Where businesses face resource challenges, industries are less healthy and lack opportunities for workers. In short, a global skills mismatch means everyone loses.

With 1.8 billion youth around the world, Theirworld works to help bring the skills requirements for the next generation into sharper focus. We believe workforce readiness, soft skills, technical skills and entrepreneurship are vital to helping young people stake out a meaningful place in the society of the future.

We campaign for greater investment in inclusive skills for the next generation because it’s been proven that a quality education provides the best route out of poverty, inequality and instability.

If we are to address the global education crisis, governments, business and young people must work together to develop the resilient skills and qualifications that will be needed to adapt to the future of work.

More on why this matters

We work globally to equip the next generation with the skills they need

5 Skills for the Future projects currently active

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Skills for the future

Young people are the next generation of changemakers, campaigners, entrepreneurs and workers. We work to help them develop the skills they’ll need to fulfill their potential, take part meaningfully in society and grow the global economy.

A safe place to learn

Every child has the right to an education free from fear of discrimination, violence or attack. We work to provide refugees, girls, children with disabilities and other underserved young people with the education they deserve.

The best start in life

Every child deserves a healthy birth and quality early childhood development and education. We work to unlock the best start for every child.

Small Grants Programme

Small Grants Programme

Theirworld’s Small Grants Programme gives grants of up to £10,000 to registered charities and non-profits helping disadvantaged and overlooked young people in the UK and around the world.

Education Innovation Awards

Education Innovation Awards

Theirworld’s Education Innovation Awards offers non-profits, NGOs and charities the chance to secure scale-up grants and resources to help their work in reaching overlooked youth and children.

MBA Scholarships in Lebanon

MBA Scholarships in Lebanon

MBA scholarships transforming the lives of refugees and vulnerable adults in Lebanon.

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3,000 young women across sub-Saharan Africa and the Middle East have gained technology skills

Skills for their future

10 million people from around the globe signed the largest ever petition for education


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