Church of Scotland members across the UK support #UpForSchool on Sign Up Sunday

Up for School or #upforschool campaign

Members of the Church of Scotland across the UK stood up for education and added hundreds of names to the global #UpForSchool Petition.

In only one day, over 650 people signed the petition at their local parishes – and many more have continued to add their names and share the petition online over the last two weeks.

Dubbed Sign Up Sunday, the call to action by the Church of Scotland on September 20 came at a crucial time. World leaders are meeting in New York City right now to decide on the global development agenda for the next 15 years.

With more than 10 million voices of support, the #UpForSchool Petition is demanding loud and clear that the 59 million children who are currently denied their right to education are not forgotten. The petition urges world leaders to keep their promise – made in 2000 – to get every child into school and learning.

More than 15 parishes throughout the UK made it a priority to add their support to the campaign on Sign Up Sunday. At the St. Columba’s Parish in Glenrothes, Fife, the campaign had a particularly strong relevance to their partnership with a Malawian congregation.

Minister of the parish, Alan Kimmit, said: “We are acutely aware that the desire for good education in many countries is much greater than the resources available to provide it. #UpForSchool resonates with us as we are developing a partnership with a Malawian congregation who have just built a new school.”

But the Church of Scotland’s commitment to the campaign goes far beyond Sunday’s call to action. A church spokesperson said that the Church’s Youth Assembly has been a driving factor behind the campaign.

He added: “The young people enthusiastically embraced the petition’s aspiration to provide equality for every child across the world – much like the Church achieved in Scotland in the 17th century.” 


The Youth Assembly even created two promotional videos advocating for the campaign, explaining its objectives and calling on members to add their names to the petition. You can view their videos above.


The church’s Youth Moderator in particular, Hannah Mary Goodlad, was struck by the simple fact that her generation could be the first in history to deliver universal access to education. She believes “we all, regardless of who are, have a collective responsibility to speak up for those whose voices have been silenced.”

Sign the #UpForSchool Petition here.

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