May the roars be with you: Star Wars hero Chewbacca helps vulnerable children
Health and nutrition, Right to education
It's Star Wars Day, so May the 4th be with you. Impressions of the famous Wookie's voice will help lifesaving work for children around the world.
When the original Star Wars film became an instant hit in 1977, director George Lucas knew it was a force for good.
The fans immediately embraced the elements of struggle, hope and inspiration – and philanthropy was very important to Lucas.
So that year he hosted screenings of the movie – now known as Star Wars: A New Hope – to raise money for charities around the world, with a particular emphasis on children’s education and healthcare.
That mission continues to this day. Lucasfilm and the initiative Star Wars: Force for Change are running Roar For Change – a global challenge in support of UNICEF. Today on May the 4th – the unofficial Star Wars Day – fans are being asked to do their own version of the character Chewbacca’s iconic roar.
For each public post, like or share on Facebook, Instagram or Twitter that includes #RoarForChange from May 3 to 25, 2018, $1 will be donated by Star Wars: Force for Change US to the United Nations children’s agency.
It will be used to support UNICEF’s lifesaving, education and health work around the world.
“Chewbacca may not always have the best temperament but beneath the gruff exterior is a heart of gold,” said Ron Howard, director of the latest movie Solo: A Star Wars Story.
“That’s why he’s challenging you to Roar for Change.”
Money raised in this campaign will help UNICEF to provide Ready-to-Use Therapeutic Food packets to children suffering from malnutrition.
This is vital in giving them the best chance of a brighter future and in helping them to enrol and stay in school. UNICEF supports the early years development and education of millions of vulnerable children.
Since 2014, Star Wars: Force for Change has raised over $16 million for charitable causes around the world.
“We are thrilled to team up with Star Wars: Force for Change and Chewbacca to help improve the lives of malnourished children around the world,” said Rajesh Anandan, Senior Vice President of UNICEF Ventures, UNICEF USA.
“It’s incredible to see Star Wars fans rally around the spirit of Chewbacca and UNICEF’s lifesaving mission. Together, we can protect all that is good in a galaxy not so far away.”
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