The Key Series kicks off with a focus on education and economic recovery

The Global Business Coalition for Education (GBC-Education)
The event featured Jamira Burley, Head of Youth Engagement and Skills at Theirworld, and Kwasi Mitchell, Chief Purpose Officer at Deloitte.
Education is the key to unlocking big change. But from government aid budgets to business boardrooms, education is also on the chopping block.
To help bring these issues to life, Theirworld and our initiative the Global Business Coalition for Education (GBC-Education) have launched The Key Series. It brings together experts to discuss the most important issues of the day and how education underpins solving them.
The first topic was Education and Economic Recovery, focusing on skills and community-level investments. Today’s event featured a discussion between Jamira Burley, Head of Youth Engagement and Skills at Theirworld and GBC-Education, and Kwasi Mitchell, Chief Purpose Officer at Deloitte.
They discussed the fact that at its height the pandemic put 1.5 billion children and young people out of school. Kwasi said: “We need to fundamentally rethink the way we approach different aspects of building skills so that people can have a better, brighter future on the other side of this pandemic.”
GBC-Education and Deloitte have worked together on the Skills Friendly Cities Initiative, which aims to achieve practical, rapid and relevant solutions to the youth skills crisis.
Kwasi said: “It’s thinking about specific needs within the environment, with local government, to bring the best and brightest solutions to address these major challenges in such a way that it is tailored to the community in which we live.”
Next month’s event in The Key Series will focus on education’s role in unlocking action on climate change.
The Key is Theirworld’s comprehensive digital toolkit to equip businesses and other education advocates with the facts and data to make the case for investment in education. Learn more about The Key in this video.
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