#UpForSchool Kicks-Off in Kenya
Students from Kibera School for Girls in their SHOFCO T-shirts © Victor Okal/Black Continent Television
This week A World at School (AWAS) launched the #UpForSchool petition in Nairobi, Kenya, with over 8,500 new signatures calling on world leaders to deliver universal primary education by the end of 2015.
AWAS coordinated with Shining Hope For Communities, led by Kennedy Odede, to lead a march to Nairobi’s largest slum, Kibera. Nearly 500 people, including many pupils from Kibera School for Girls, marched through Kamukunji, where they joined Odede and Global Youth Ambassadors from AWAS. In front of a crowd of over 1,000 people, Odede said: “Today we are demanding our children have an education. A good, quality education.”
Check out the AWAS website for the full story. And don’t forget to sign the #UpForSchool petition!