We climbed up Indonesian volcano to show we’re #UpForSchool

Up for School or #upforschool campaign

The #UpForSchool campaign has supporters across the world – promoting the cause of education for all children.

So far, more than eight million people have signed the #UpForSchool Petition, which calls on world leaders to get every girl and boy into school and learning.

We’ve seen #UpForSchool posters and supporters in cities and villages, on boats and buses, in deserts and tropical forests.

But we’re pretty sure this is the first time we’ve seen #UpForSchool supporters heading up a volcano.

These dedicated education campaigners are from Indonesia, where they took the message up Ile Ape volcano on Lembata island in East Nusa Tenggara Province to mark Indonesian Independence Day on August 17.

These fantastic pictures came from our friends at Plan Indonesia.

If you want to know more of the amazing stories of people supporting the campaign, visit the #UpForSchool page.

And don’t forget to sign our petition and add your voice to the millions across the world.

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